I am also starting my chicken project now, apparently.. Occasionally I bid on some blue orpington eggs on ebay, but I never get them because somebody always outbids me.. Well, last week I actually won an auction.. The eggs arrived today.. There are 12 blue orpington eggs, and three extra from other breeds.. You can see them in the middle to the left.. The two dark eggs I believe are welsummer eggs, another favorite breed of mine.. The egg in the middle of those two is labeled as a rock egg.. I don't really care for rocks myself.. A little too flighty.. But maybe it'll be a hen since rocks are great layers.. If not, we can always invite a young roo to dinner..
For the last couple of days I've been working to get an incubator put together.. I had all the ingredients already except for the cooler, the wire bottom, and the glass for the top.. (I had the other parts from building a similar incubator before..)
I'm really excited because I've wanted blue orpingtons for a long time.. I really hope I get a good hatch.. I'm not going to hold my breath too tightly because they did come all the way from Arizona.. Hopefully they passed through some gentle hands..
Last, but not least, I'd like to introduce my son Marcus' new bunny, Splotch.. He's been wanting a dutch rabbit for some time now.. So when I went to the feed store last week and saw that they had a couple dutch, I just had to get him one.. Splotch isn't a quality bred bunny.. As a matter of fact, my son named him Splotch because he has a big splotch of color in the white band on his back.. He's a cutey though.. That is also one of our dogs in the pic.. Bonnie.. She's a chihuahua/dachshund mix.. She's very smart and is a really good dog.. She treats any small creatures as her baby.. She loves Splotch..
Anyway, I think that's it for now.. Just waiting for the girls to kid.. Bluebell only has about a week and a half left.. I'm going to have to start keeping a very close eye on them now.. When I get up to check Kaitlyn's blood sugar, I'll be going out and checking on the girls.. Can't wait for the babies! I'm so excited.. That reminds me, I still need to test out my new double boiler to see if I can get it to hold 135 degrees for an hour so I can heat treat the colostrum..
Hello Kitty,
I'm kitty from upstate ny on garden girls forum.
You have a nice blog. I'll place your link on my blog if you don't mind?
Wishing you a great afternoon,
Of course I don't mind.. I'll do the same..
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