And these are my supervisors for the project.. The big one is Prima, the spotted one is Moira, and the other black one is Gavin..
Oh, and I also found a pic of shelter Mack-1.. This was before I put the wire on the sides though.. I also only used 10ft long pipes for the top and the shelter was only 4X8..
I thought I would also give the supply list and cost of making this shelter in case somebody would like to make their own.. Most of my supplies I get at Lowe's since its the closest to me.. The tarp is from U-Haul..
U-posts(6)- $4.45each
4X8 plywood(2)- $13.77each
1 1/2 two hole strap- package of two(9)- $.89each
12X3/4 wood screw- package of eight(5)- $1.18each
3/4in of 20ft long pvc pipe(3)- $3.38each
3/4in of 10ft long pvc pipe(1)- $1.72each
12X16 tarp(1)- $18.50each
size 4 sledge hammer to pound in the U-posts(1)- already had
foot long piece of 2X4 wood to hold over the top of the U-post so you don't bend the metal while pounding it in(1)- already had
And I think that's it.. Other than the drill used to screw in the screws.. The structure is 8ftX8ft and I'm not sure how tall.. Plenty of head room though.. I'll be doing this also for my hay and feed storage area..
Another project I'm slowly working on is getting paving stones for the back yard.. This is the area that I'm wanting to pave.. From the back of the house to the beginning of the goat yard.. All the way across from one end of the house to the other..
And this is the pattern I'm going to do.. There will be a set of these, then a wood border around them, then another set like those, and a wood border around it, etc.. I had the idea for the wood and pavers, but my brilliant husband had the idea to use the alternating colors..
And last, but not least, my beautiful blue orpington hens are finally laying on a regular basis.. We get two almost every day.. They seem to like to lay them just in a shallow depression on the ground..
And of course my super handsome blue orpington rooster watching over his hens as they eat.. I'll get pics of everybody else for another post..
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