But I did get this done today.
Those are toilet paper rolls in disposable aluminum roasting pans. Cheap easy way to start my seeds. I put slits in the bottom of the toilet paper rolls (you can also cut paper towel rolls into sections and do the same) and folded the bits in to close the bottom.
Like this:
You fold over the slitted sections over like you would the top of a box. I can do a step by step if anybody needs a better explanation.
Each pan holds 34 toilet paper rolls and I've got 4 pans. These pans were in sets of 2 for a little over $2. Way cheap way to go. And, of course, the toilet paper rolls are free. Unless you've got a weird family member that tries to charge you for them or something. But anyway. This is most of what I collected for the year. So not sure what I'm going to do when I start my next batch of seeds. But we'll see.
Tomorrow I'll put in a mixture of coconut coir seed starting mix and rabbit manure. I also need to hang a light over this area. Then my seeds will be good to go. I'll be starting several of my herbs in these along with my peppers and eggplants. Any seeds that I'm not sure about their viability, will be started in paper towels and baggies. I'll be sure to take pictures for anybody that doesn't know how to do the baggie method. Might have to order a packet of lemongrass seeds if I can't find any at the local big box stores. Checked one and they didn't have them. I'll check the other store tomorrow.
Speaking of lemon, lemongrass oil is a good thing to use in bee traps to attract swarms. The lemon scent smells similar to the smell they have when they're happy. Like when they find a new home and they want the rest of the swarm to come where they are. Wish I had some lemongrass oil now. With the warm spring, bees are going to start working on expanding their numbers and putting off swarms. I'd like to catch some of those swarms seeing as my bees have died for two years in a row. But I'm also still new at beekeeping so that might have something to do with it. Newbie mistakes and all. One of these days I'll show you guys my hives.
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