Saturday, March 10, 2018

Does This Still Count For Yesterday

I forgot to do a post. Brain has been busy. Luckily for you, I can only sleep part of the night in the bed before my hip starts hurting and I have to come and sleep in my recliner. Then I decided to check my email and such and here I am.

So I did this today. If you can't tell what it is, it's a pig nipple waterer. No, it's not actually made out of a pig nipple or made to look like one. It's just for their water. But anyway, I did this last spring too and they didn't really use it. But I'm not giving up. I'll try it again. I had to reinstall it on a new bucket because the other one got busted. You might also be able to tell this one is leaking around where I made the hole. This happened last year also.

This is the inside of the bucket. Duh, right? Well, you can see the threads around the rubber adapter thingie. After I realized that it was leaking again, I drained the bucket and took the ring off the threads. I smeared some silicone caulking around the area where it comes through the bucket and I'm letting it dry overnight. We'll see tomorrow if I succeeded in stopping the leak.

In other news, the kitty is now spayed and tomorrow a guy is coming to fix the shingles on our roof. $195 to fix shingles that the stupid wind blew off. Screw you, stupid wind!

Anyway, I'm going back to sleep. Take care yall.

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