So I got at least most of the build done today. Like the hinged top that will be my access to the back of the tractor. And instead of making the wire go all the way around, the wall on the far left will be a framed wire, hinged door.
I've got all of the wire held on with pieces of scrap wood as you can see in the picture. Except for a couple of spots on the far wall. The left wall, as I said, will be a door.
Don't know yet what I'm going to do with the rest of the top. I know at least part of it will be some scrap wire I have. But I don't have a piece to cover the whole area. So I have to see how big of a piece I DO have, and then figure out what I'm going to cover the remaining area with. The only other option is to buy a whole new roll of wire just for that small area. I do have lots of left over chicken wire. But I really don't want to use that. Most predators can get through that if they work at it.
Yes, I know. A determined enough predator will get through even hardware cloth or welded wire. But at least with those, they'd have to work at it all night, if not days. Most predators aren't going to put that much work into it. There are easier things to catch elsewhere.
While I was feeding everybody this morning, I left the hose on for a little bit to give the pigs a muddy place to lay. Pigs don't sweat or pant so they need the mud to keep them cool.
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