Friday, April 13, 2018

Moving The Compost Bin And Pepper Update

Today I'm working on moving my compost pile into the chicken pen. I have future plans for the area where it currently is. (Probably way way in the future at the rate that I'm able to afford to get things done.) But first things first, I have to clear the area.

The chickens are enjoying going through what I've already taken out of the compost pile.

I'm also going to put my seed pans in one of the raised beds and put a blanket over it so the seedlings can adjust to the bright sun. The nights for the next couple of weeks are supposed to be above freezing so they should do ok in their pans with the hoods on at night. I might even take the lamps from the chicken tractor and use them in the bed for the seedlings. The chicks are fully feathered and don't need the lamps anymore.

I unfortunately lost some of my bell pepper seedlings. My own fault of course. Since the days since I planted them out have been chilly, I haven't uncovered them at all. So I also didn't notice that they were getting dried out. I should have known better because these seedlings aren't going to have a lot of roots in the soil yet. But I'm going to have to restart those seeds. My banana peppers are doing ok. I did lose one but that's to be expected.

Ok guys. Time to get back to work. I've only moved two loads out of the compost bin (none of it broken down enough to be called compost) and plenty more to go. Take care and have a good day.

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