Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Solar Battery, More Mowing And Plans For Moving Sheep

So the battery kept the fence charger going all night. It only got down to about 75%. Today I plugged in a light for the chicks and a box fan for the coop. During the summer I run the fan 24/7. And since we're already getting summer like temps, I plugged it in. We'll see how the battery holds up with the light and fan added to the load.

Today I also did a lot of mowing at the side yard and around the house. Tomorrow I'm going to try and mow around the garden and along the electric fence. Actually, I'll probably do the fence line first. That's more important. The grass and weeds have already gotten high enough to be touching the bottom wire. I move a couple of posts inward where they've already chewed down the grass, mow where the posts were, and then move the posts back.

I'm actually thinking of moving a lot of the electrical fence to the other side of the property. I'd shorten the area a lot on this side, take the posts and wire to the other side of the property and set everything up there. I'd put the girl sheep over there and allow the boys on this side, out of their welded wire fenced area.

Then I could use the welded wire area be for the pigs when they have their babies. The electrical fence holds in the older pigs. But I'm sure the babies would be able to get right under it. And I don't want babies running wild on my property. Too dangerous. They could get hurt or lost. I'll also be able to separate the girls from Boris so he doesn't breed them again right away. I'd like to give them a little time before they get pregnant again.

Moving the girls to the other side of the property, I could do a little rotational grazing by moving the fence over after they've chewed down an area. Won't be able to move it far depending on how much wire I'll have. But it'll at least give one area time to recover while they graze another. I'll have to build the girls some kind of movable shelter though. Actually, no I won't. I'll be able to use the pig shelter since the girl pigs will have the boy sheeps old shelter. And I'll just have Boris in with the boy sheep.

Yes, I think this will work out very nicely.

I also let the biddies some free time in the coop today and did an update video.

Anyway, it's almost time for bedtime. Good night all and have a good one.

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