Thursday, June 7, 2018

Premier 1 Electric Poultry Netting

So I made the chickens very happy today. A couple of days ago I ordered some electric poultry netting from Premier 1. It came today and I've already set it up and let the mixed layers and their rooster out to roam around inside it.

I think I may leave them here for a couple of days and then I'll move them to where the pigs used to be. It's already starting to grow up and would be a nice place for the chickens to be moved around to graze.

I also wanted to put the orpingtons and wyandottes in this area but don't think there's enough room to put the other tractor. Oh well, maybe I can alternate between them.

I'm going to go watch chicken tv for a little while before I have to feed everybody. Take care all and have a good day.

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