But even with that going on, life itself goes on. The sun still rises and sets, animals still need to be fed and watered. To make things a little easier, I've moved the boy sheep over with the girl sheep.
Yes, I know, terrible picture. I'll try to get a better group picture tomorrow. And I also know this means they will mate and I'll end up with early winter babies. Maybe I can make some sweaters for the babies to keep them warm or something. Build a better shelter for them to overwinter in. But for one thing, having them altogether makes things simpler for me. I can also use more of the electrical wire on that side of the runoff and make them a bigger area.
Also, I really need to start getting something out of these animals. I know it seems harsh. But with the recent vet bills for our dog, my husband being on disability for the next month and some other financial woes, I'm having to look at things in a much harsher light. Either get something from the animals, or get rid of them. I've also applied for a couple of jobs but so far no calls.
For example, these bantam chickens. They're cute and all, but they don't really provide anything. They should start laying eggs soon. But since they're itty bitty eggs, it'll take a lot of them to make much of a difference. Instead, I'd make more money out of any babies I can hatch from them. Our local feed store buys chicks, chickens, ducks and rabbits. So I've at least got a ready buyer. (Our ducks still haven't hatched. But I've got two more hens on nests so hopefully they'll have something.)
Like the Bitty Condo I built? As usual, not the prettiest build work ever. But it'll do. I've still got some work to do on it and a double run to make. They were really getting crowded in the hanging cages in the coop. This way they'll have a mini condo coop to sleep at night and a run to exercise in during the day.
We're still waiting on the piggies to have their baby piggies. The day that I witnessed the job being done apparently wasn't the day that it actually GOT done. So we're still waiting. It's got to be any day though because those girls so look like they're going to explode.
Well, I haven't slept much tonight and I've got too much on my mind. So I think instead, I'll just start my day. Maybe I'll be able to take a nap later or something. Take care all.
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