Saturday, July 28, 2018

Reclaiming The Garden.... Again

Been a bit busy today. Trying to mow down and weedeat all of the grass and weeds that have taken over my garden with all of the rain, heat and my own lack of action.

First picture is the garden before. (Click on the pictures to make them bigger.)

Then this is what I've gotten done today. With the help of my younger two children. I tried to enlist my husband's help but he decided to do the front yard instead.

I will finish it tomorrow and, of course, post pictures. Then I'll need to weed the beds themselves. Not sure if I'll do that tomorrow or not. Depends on if I have any energy left. I have a bad habit of pushing myself too far and then being tired for the next couple of days. But things have to get done. I'm also hoping to get some woodchips put down so this stuff won't grow up so fast again. But we'll see.

This next picture is of my only remaining bean plant this year. There should have been one on each of the poles. But I'm not sure if the bean beetles or grasshoppers or just the insanely tall grass killed off the others.

And it has one bean pod on it too. I'll be saving all seeds from this year for planting next year.

Ok, I'm going to go play some games. Been doing that when I would come in to cool off too. Think I might have some dinner too. Even though it's 7pm. Better late then never.

Take care all and have a good day/night.

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