Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Lightening Storm, Goodbye Pinky, Broody Hens And More Mowing

Sorry for the rather odd post the other day. We had a really nasty lightening storm the other night and it knocked out our internet for a little while. (It also killed the fan I had in the chicken coop and I thought it had gotten my smaller fence charger too. But the charger is ok so that's a relief.) So I was trying to do the post on my phone. But the screen was too small and the keyboard kept covering up the page so I couldn't see what I was typing.

So I tried the voice recognition feature. But with that I had to think of what I wanted to say and then say it without stuttering or tripping over words. Almost impossible for me because my mind is usually going in a million different directions and it works faster than my mouth does so I end up tripping over words and/or mashing them together to make words that don't make much sense. Unless you've known me a while and you're able to translate my insanity.

In the mean time, a couple of things have happened. For one, a tire on our new mower is already flat. I think I mentioned that in the last post. But when they installed our house (it's a manufactured house) they were kind of sloppy about some things. So sometimes we still find odd things in our yard. Also I've probably dropped a screw or two while doing some of my own projects.

We haven't taken the tire off yet to see what caused the flat. But we plan on taking it to the local auto place and having them patch it like you would a car tire. We figure that would be cheaper than buying a whole new tire.

But yesterday we lost our favorite piglet. His name was Pinky and he was a runt and we were going to keep him as a pet. We have no idea what went wrong and I'm keeping an eye on the other piglets to make sure it wasn't something contagious. But earlier that day he seemed perfectly fine. By the time I gave everybody their dinner, he had passed away. I know since he was acting normally, that there was no way I could have known. But there's still that guilt of 'What did I do wrong?'

In some sillier news, I've got two broody ducks and one and a half broody chickens. I say one and a half because the second hen will sit for a couple of days, whole broody attitude and everything. And then just piss off for a couple of days like nothing happened. Then go back to sitting again.

I don't think the chicken eggs are going to hatch though because they haven't had a rooster in a couple of months. And I would put one of my roosters in there but I don't want the drake to beat him up like he did my last rooster. But the duck eggs should hatch. Or at least some of them. I need to take a picture of the ducklings from the previous hatch. Some of them are getting pretty big.

Today I did just a little bit of mowing. This is one of those areas we didn't get with the big mower because we weren't entirely sure what was under there. Also, the runoff ends and goes under the end of our driveway so we didn't want to drive the mower too close to it and get it stuck. The weeds actually went all the way to the edge of our driveway but I had already started before I remembered to take a picture.

And then it started sprinkling so I had to drag the mower back up our 400ft long driveway and put it back under the solar panels. It rained for about half an hour and now it's sunny again. *facepalm* But I can't do much mowing because now everything's wet. If I feel up to it, I might actually get the weedeater out and try to get some of that taller stuff down too. If not, I'll get it tomorrow. Eventually I'll actually find the runoff.

Ok, it's about dinner time so I need to get something made. Take care all and have a good rest of your day.

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