So where have I been the past couple of days? Well, after I did the mowing the other day, I had a headache for the next two days that wouldn't go away. I get these almost every month around a certain time of the month. Like a week or so before another 'certain time of the month'. I can't wait until that crap is all over. I'm 44 years old, definitely not having anymore children and that crap needs to go.
Then Saturday and Sunday I spent playing games with the husband and kids. Partially because I like to play games with them. Partially because I was avoiding doing any work and starting my headache up again. Except for Sunday morning when I went and helped out at the booth for the local bee association. I kind of felt redundant though because there were plenty of other people there helping too.
Then Monday I had to take the younger son to school to see about getting his school issued laptop. But of course they changed it. AGAIN!!! This is like the third time they've give us different information about when we can pick it up. Partially our fault for forgetting to get it when they were doing it in the first place. But now they just keep changing it. Very frustrating. We thought about buying him a cheap laptop but then we don't know what we would do with it after the school year. Everybody here has a computer and a tablet or phone. So another laptop would just be unnecessary.
Also, Monday, I had a job interview. Which I totally missed! I totally lost track of time and it was almost an hour past when I was supposed to be there. I was so pissed! My husband told me to call them back and give them an excuse. But I didn't want to lie. I didn't really know what to do.
So yesterday afternoon I started doing online transcription. It's TERRIBLE HORRIBLE pay. But it's something. It's mostly transcribing voice mails. But a lot of them are butt dialed calls or something that sounds like music while you're on hold. So I spend most of my time clicking through those just to be able to get to the ones with somebody talking. Then half of those are either a terrible signal that cuts in and out or it's clear and in another language. The only ones I get paid for are the ones I can actually type. But it's still not too bad for just sitting in front of my computer. In fact, I'm doing it right now. I just change to the other tab if I need to type anything or skip to the next message.
But it's a little extra money for projects at least. I should be able to make about $50 a week so that's not too bad. Bad thing is that it takes up ALL my free time.
I've had some babies escape recently. A bunny got out of the rabbit pen. My own fault because I knew they were still probably small enough to fit through the wire. And the door on their cage was crooked and I kept putting it off fixing it. I still see him hopping around in the yard. But I know sooner or later he's just not going to come back.
Some of the piglets also got out of their pen. Not really sure how. There weren't any places that were big enough for them to slip under the boards. So the only thing I can figure is that they slipped in between the boards somehow. I might need to get some wire fence just to put against the boards until they get too big to get through it.
I did catch one of them and I plan on trying to catch the rest of them tonight when everybody is asleep. Usually the best time to catch most animals. That's why a lot of predators like to hunt at night. The prey is much more docile and less flighty.
Oh, we did get the mower tire taken care of Saturday. We took it off and we were going to take it to the auto place and see if they could patch it. But they were just about to close when we got there. So instead we decided to take a chance and air it up and see what happened. And it held. My husband also did some mowing Sunday and it still held. We don't know why it would have gone flat. But apparently it's fine now. *shrug* I just don't know. Life is not making any sense this week.
Ok, I'm going to go concentrate on this transcription thing a bit more. More coherent calls seem to come in about this time of day so it's my chance to make some project money. Take care all and have a good day.
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