Ok, so this crochet project didn't go quite as well as the beanies had.. Of course, I couldn't find a dog sweater pattern exactly to my liking so I kind of made it up as I went along.. I wanted a pattern that I didn't have to make in sections and then have to piece together later.. I thought it was going well at first, then for some reason it started getting skinnier and skinner towards the back.. I can only assume I was doing something wrong that was maybe reducing the stitches.. Like accidentally skipping a stitch or something.. I also did some increases around the neck that ended up just making it look at bit poofy.. Might not be able to tell from the pics though because Bonnie wanted to roll over to have her belly scratched every time I reached for her..
Anyway, take a look.. If you have any suggestions about what I did wrong or how to fix it I'd love to hear them.. I'm starting another one and I'm going to do it slightly different.. I'll let yall know how that one goes too..
How completely adorable! Good job on the sweater!
Wait until you see pics of the next one I made.. Even better.. But not yet perfected..
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