Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My First Beanie!

Actually, its for my daughter (that's her in the pics).. But I made it! It's crocheted in double stitch.. It's a little wonky looking because I guess I didn't realize how big her head was so had to widen it more.. I also am really not sure how I got that knob on the top.. Maybe too many single stitches at the beginning? Or I didn't start increasing soon enough? I also ran out of yarn (didn't realize just how much yarn it would take) so I had to add the maroon border around the bottom..

Right side
right side
Left side
left side

It's also darker then it looks in the pic.. The camera flash kind of bled out the colors.. I wasn't even done with this one and my two boys are asking for their own beanie.. I'm definitely picking up on the crocheting more than I am on the knitting.. I think the fact that there's only one needle/hook to contend with.. But I'm still going to stick with the knitting too.. Anyway, let me know what you think of my first completed piece..


Anonymous said...

Great job! I love the colors. What a beautiful little girl. Can't wait to see your next project. You have inspired me to go ahead and buy some yarn and start to crochet.

Admin said...

This is great stuff and I love it. Thank you for putting it up.

Kittikity said...

You might also look at thrift shops and such or flea markets for yarn.. Don't know if they'd have much but its a thought.. I've heard of people buying old sweaters etc and unraveling them to use the yarn..

Peggy said...

love it! I can knit and crochet a little but not very well. I like crocheting better as its easier for me with one needle. Will have to get the yarn out again. :)

Dana Gordon said...

Wow, really nice work on the beanie! And wow what blue eyes your daughter has!