Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Baby Chickie Update

Nope. I didn't get any cleaning done today except for cleaning out the chicks brooders. (I blame hubby.) But as you can see, the buff orpingtons are doing well. Getting lots of feathers.

Most of the silver laced wyandottes are doing well. I say most because one of them came down with what I believe is wry neck. But the rest of them are doing great.

The one that got wry neck is in this container with the bitties. I figure he won't get smashed by them as much. You can see him snuggled up in the top corner. But all the bitties are doing good too. I've started giving the little wry neck baby some vitamin E. We'll see if he makes it or not.

Right now we're still having nights around or below freezing so these guys will be inside for a couple more weeks at least. But as soon as it warms up enough, they'll be going outside in the chicken tractor to learn how to be chickens.

But that's my update for today guys. I'll see you tomorrow. Take care.

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