Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Beautiful Eggs

I didn't do a post yesterday because I really didn't have anything to post about. Didn't really do much except watch some netflix and crochet. Just been kind of blah lately. Not sure if it's hormonal or what. Just no energy.

Today I was going to try to get some projects done but then my car decided it didn't want to work right. I could get it to start and it would stay started if I revved the engine. But as soon as I let go of the gas pedal, the rpms dropped to zero and it would stall. So today the husband and I have tried to trouble shoot it. We changed the spark plugs and wires. No joy. We changed the pcv valve and tube. No joy.

The things next to try would be sensors and the fuel pump. Since we have no idea what sensor is what, we're going to have it towed to the mechanic tomorrow so they can figure it out. Hubby is probably going to have to use a vacation day unfortunately. And it's going to cost us more money to get it towed and fixed. We've already put more money into this car over the years then it's worth. But we can't really afford to get another car right now either. Partially because we keep having to throw money at this car!

Since I don't really have much of a post anyway, here are some pretty eggs I got yesterday from our chickens. And one duck egg. The egg on left I believe is a maran egg. The other dark-ish egg wasn't that dark in person but I'm not sure who laid it either.

Anyway, that's been my last couple of days. I'm going to go kill stuff in World of Warcraft now to take out some of my frustration. Take care and have a good night.

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