Also taken from the doorway. That fan runs 24/7 during the summer. My nest boxes are a 5 gallon bucket cut in half. All the wood is reused from other projects. Can you tell?
I've thought about making more nest boxes but as you can tell, they like to mostly just lay in the left side. These girls kept getting freaked out about everything I was doing in the coop but kept coming back in and hopping in the nest boxes. Later I only found one egg in the nest box. Not sure if the other girl actually needed to lay an egg or if she was just being a goofy chicken. Or she might have layed somewhere else. I didn't think to check.
And finally I put up a couple more roosting spots to give them more room. I know it looks thrown together. But I basically just put up scrap pieces for now. I want to completely redo the roosts too. I also dug out a lot of the droppings that had accumulated under their roosts. Then, a fresh layer of shavings to make everything look pretty. Ok, pretty-ish.
Tomorrow I want to put a better roof on the sheep shelter. The tarps keep getting loose and keep collecting water and/or snow. A shelter is kind of pointless if it doesn't keep them dry. So that definitely needs to get done. I want to do it like I did the pig shelter. I know I have pictures of that somewhere. I'll find them tomorrow and put them in tomorrow's post.
For now, I will bid yall adieu. Take care.
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