Friday, March 16, 2018

Working On The Chicken Tractor and Sheep Roof

So I've gotten up to a couple of things today. First, I started to dismantle the chicken tractor so that I could make improvements. One improvement will be hinged panels as part of the top. That way I can reach down into the tractor when I need to. I was in such a hurry when I built it that I forgot to included that in the original design.

During the winter I had the plastic and some blankets completely covering it to hold in the warmth. The chickens did fine. Didn't lose a single one. Actually, that's wrong. I did lose one. But it was before the colder weather hit. Not sure what it died from though. But they were cornish cross. They are known to die for no reason.

The buff orpingtons and silver laced wyandottes will go in the tractor. The bitties will go in the hanging cages in the chicken coop. I might wait on putting the bitties out though since they are so bittie and might get cold easier. Everybody is feathering out nicely and I should be able to put the bigger chicks in the tractor with some added heat in just a couple days. The tractor will be moved into the chicken pen so that the bigger chickens can get used to the chicks but not hurt them or eat their food.

The chicks will stay in here for a while though. There was some kind of hawk or something sitting on a post at the far corner of the pig area today. It was only about the size of a chicken so don't think it could have flown off with a full grown chicken. But the chicks would be easy pickings.

This is the other thing I did today. (With my son's help so I didn't fall off the ladder.) These are the pieces of wood that are used for the dog ear fences. I use them for a lot of other things though. Like my garden beds are made from these. They're only a dollar something each so nice and cheap but a fair size. These are mostly to act as support for the tarp. The tarp will be what actually keeps the sheep dry. And yes, I know that tarp is not on their right at all. But the wind was being a prick, as usual. So I will have to wait until a windless day to adjust it.

As you can see of the pig shelter, this design is a little bit different. Just less boards on the sheep shelter basically. And the boards are going front to back instead of side to side. But I figure this will still work just as well. But this is the pig shelter before I put the tarp on it. I still haven't done the other side of the roof and it catches water everytime it rains or snows. But, not a top priority right now so it'll have to wait. It's functional so it'll do until I have more time. Not sure when that'll be.

Ok guys. Gonna go and get some dinner. Take care and have a good night.

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