Monday, March 19, 2018

Planting Flowers And Moving Chicks Outside

Today I planted some bulbs, roots and rhizomes. These red hot pokers.

Stargazer lilies.

And I transplanted these irises from one of my veggie garden beds to my front yard. This is a picture from last summer when they bloomed. They probably won't bloom this year though. But next year, I should get a profusion of lovely blue/purple flowers.

I had a lot more than I realized. As you can see from the first picture, there are some on the left near the trellis, some to the right in front of the fence and also on the other side of the fence. I planted the lilies in the corner and the red hot pokers at the end of the fence section. I can't wait until the lilies and pokers come up. My daughter likes the lilies. I'm more excited about the pokers. Always thought those were really neat looking. Very bright red and orange.

I also put the bigger chicks outside in the chicken tractor. Didn't think to take a picture but I'll try to remember tomorrow.

But that's all the news for now. Take care folks and have a good night.

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