Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Doubling The Girl Sheeps Area And Guineas Nesting

Today I doubled the girl sheeps' grazing area. A lot of it is still tall but I'll be working on knocking it down. It didn't stop the girls though. They've already been in there nibbling on anything tasty.

We lost another baby bunny. Don't know why. They were doing so well. Only thing I can figure is it got too cold since she's not covering them up. Now we're down to two. But they have nice fat bellies so hopefully that's a good sign.

In better news, the guineas have a nest and one of the hens it very broody. I had to use a stick to get her to move or she would have taken my hand off. This is in my flower bed in front of our house.

Ok, time to feed the beasties. Take care all and have a good day.

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