Thursday, May 31, 2018

Hanging Baskets And Mixed Flower Seeds

Today I finished fixing the hanging basket that had torn. I filled it with garden soil and added vermiculite to it to help with water retention. Tomorrow I will be planting thyme seeds in it.

I also added two more baskets. Not sure what I'm going to put in these yet. I'll have to look through my herb packets.

But before I did that, I took these boxes of mixed seeds and scattered them in front of our house. Hoping for pretty colors rather than weeds. If you look closely, you'll see the dark spot in the middle of the garden and against the wall where the guinea is setting on eggs.

The only thing left to plant are these ixia and anemones. The 'bulbs' looked really small and dried out so I soaked them in jars for a little while this afternoon. Then I drained out the water and wrapped them in paper towels to wait until I can plant them tomorrow morning.

I'm not really expecting a whole lot from these seeds or bulbs because, I mean, they were only a couple of dollars. I'll be happy just to get something from them.

In other exciting news, I made spaghetti and used some of the tomatoes that I canned last year as sauce. I've done this before. But this time the herbs and such that I added to it were perfect and it tasted fantastic. I love being able to use things that came directly from my garden.

Speaking of garden, I need to get my squash and zucchini in the ground. They're starting to get flower buds while still in the red plastic cups. There are a couple other things that need to be planted too. But the squash and zucchini need it the most.

K guys. It's almost bedtime so I'm going to go catch up on some youtube videos before I have to go to sleep. Take care all and have a good night.

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