Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Making A Trellis and Planting Seed Sprouts

Been doing some work outside today. First I finished putting the wire on the top of the chicken tractor. I also bought and cut some wood to build the door. I didn't take a picture though because I'll do that tomorrow when I finish the tractor.

But I did use some more of the wire to make trellises.

And then I planted my pumpkin seedlings. The only seedlings to survive this crazy spring and all the rain.

I also transplanted some of the sprouted seeds into plastic cups. I figure this will give them a little more 'leg' room before I need to put them outside. These are zucchini and cucumbers so far. I will do some other varieties as they sprout.

One other thing that has started to sprout is the red romaine. But there were so many and they were so small that I wouldn't have been able to transplant them individually. So instead I tore the paper towel in half, laid each one in a container with some coconut coir seed starter mix and then sprinkled a little more on top and watered it in.

But that was pretty much my day. How was yours?

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