Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Chicken Tractor And Paving Stones

Got the chicken tractor done.... Sort of. I forgot to buy hinges and a latch so instead I just screwed the wire in place. It will keep the chickens in and whatever else out.

They will be in there about a week before I move them to the pasture or front yard. Haven't decided yet. This time will also give them time to see this as their new home and help to till up my garden space some more. There are 12 chickens in there which would be too crowded if that was all they had. But once they start free ranging this will just be for food, water, nest boxes and sleeping.

I also got some pavers put in the girl sheeps' shelter. As you can tell, I'm going to need a lot more.

I also did some mowing of the front yard. Not much. Just enough to fill up the catch bag and give it to the animals. The pigs and ducks are enjoying their piles. The boy sheeps and the rabbits are pretty much ignoring theirs. But it is a bit warm today so they're hiding in the shade.

And now I need to eat dinner, feed the livestock and then transplant some sprouted seeds into some cups. The cucumbers in the cups I did yesterday are already starting to come up. Hopefully I'll be about to transplant them into the garden this weekend.

Take care all.

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