Saturday, May 5, 2018

The First Mowing Of The Year And Flowers Are Blooming

So the past couple of days I've been mowing the front yard and giving the grass clippings to the animals.

They are enjoying them so much that they are eating them before their hay.

I've also got several flowers in bloom.

I love all my irises but I can't decide if I like the dark purple or the rust orange more.

My knockout rose is also going bonkers and producing so many flowers that it's making the branches bend. You can see I have one of the branches tied to the post of the porch.

And last, but not least, is a foxglove that my daughter bought and died. Well, I guess it had some seeds because they've bloomed this year. Foxgloves are a biennial which means they were grow for a whole year, bloom the following spring and then die off. But they are also highly poisonous so don't let your animals around them.

Ok, I think I'm going to go to bed early. I've got a bad tooth that caused me not to sleep very good lately. I've got some swelling and tenderness in my gums and the doctor gave me some antibiotics for that. But I'm definitely going to have to find a local dentist to deal with this crap. Tooth extractions are always expensive and I've put this one off for as long as I can.

K, have a good night all and take care.

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