Monday, May 7, 2018

Weedeating The Front Yard And More Seedlings Transplanted

It rained yesterday so I couldn't do any mowing today. But I did do some weedeating. I'm trying to get more of our front yard under control but it takes a while to knock it all down. It also take a lot of fuel. I went through a whole can of fuel (premixed fuel from Lowe's) just doing this little bit. Well, almost a whole can. There's still a little bit in the can but not enough to actually fill the tank.

Now that this part is knocked down, I can run over it with the mower and cut it up into smaller bits. I'll keep doing this over the summer until I get all the way down to the road. The area to the far right was the hardest to do. It's really wet there (standing water) and I can't mow over that part for obvious reasons.

One of our ducks is laying eggs in the nest box which is 2 feet up in the air. Didn't think any of them could get up in there but she does. She has also started to pull feathers for a nest. So I put some more shavings in the nest box and added some ducks eggs that had been laid on the floor. Maybe I can get her to go broody and we can have some babies.

I also got the rest of my sprouting seeds transplanted. But I'm going to have to redo my romaine lettuce AGAIN! I was in town yesterday and it was barely cloudy. The weather forecast was only 20% so I wasn't expecting really any rain at all. On the way home it started raining. By the time I got home (15 minutes from town) it was a downpour. And all my seedlings were flooded.

I was able to lay the cups on their sides and let some of the water drain out. I was able to pour out some from the kohlrabi. But the romaine seeds are so tiny that I really don't know if they're going to make it or not. I might try the romaine in the cups instead of the shallow trays. So far things are coming along really well in the cups.

Anyway, gonna go play some World of Warcraft for a little bit. Maybe have something more for dinner than just Vienna sausages. I'm just being really lazy this afternoon. Maybe I'll have some ramen. Nice and easy.

Take care all and have a good night.

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