Friday, May 25, 2018

Mowing The Garden And What I Need To Do Next

I was finally able to mow around the garden yesterday. This is what it looked like before. (Mostly. You can see I'd already started to the right.)

Then it became this.

This, of course, is not the final product. I still need to weed in the raised beds and in between. I bought a stirrup hoe yesterday and will be trying that out today. I also left some of the taller stuff around the chicken pen. It helps to work as a bit of shade in the morning and afternoon.

But with this much done, I should be able to plant out some of my other seedlings. Like my squash and zucchini. I also need to direct seed my cream peas and something else. I'll have to look through my seeds to remember what the something else was.

But basically today will consist of doing some weeding, coming back into the house to cool off, doing some more weeding, cooling off in the house. Probably do a bit of house cleaning somewhere in there. I also need to repair one of my hanging baskets on the front porch. The burlap broke down enough that it could no longer hold the soil. I also bought some vermiculite to help with water retention.

Ok, I better get started. Take care all and have a good day.

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