Thursday, May 24, 2018

New Rabbit Cage, Mowing The Garden And Finding Ways To Control Weeds

So what do yall think? Good cage? This is actually a redo of a cage I've built before. But the wood I used before was really thin and fell apart within about a year. These rabbits actually would hop in the shell of what was left and hang out in it so obviously they liked it. And I only had to use 3 of the 2'x'4' pieces of wood from the sheep shelter.

The basics of it are: 2'x4' top and back. 2'x2' sides. Hardware cloth wire. That way the poop and any spilled food falls through but small enough that nothing can reach through the wire. As you can see, the wire doesn't go all the way down to the bottom. Keeps them off the ground so they can stay dry. The wire is held in place with furring strips. You can see one running along the top edge in the front. Large doors for easy access inside. And spring clips to keep the doors closed.

I will be building more of these. I have a bit more wood I can take off the sheep shelter. But I need to buy more wire. I'd eventually like to line the whole side of their pen with cages like this.

I actually thought about posting my paypal link but I think that's against the rules. You're not allowed to 'ask' for money. Even though it's not really asking for money, it's giving people the option of donating. But whatever. Hardly anybody reads this anyway. And those that do, seem to be in the same boat I am so don't really have anything to donate.

I am working on things to put in my etsy store. Crocheted items, of course. But with everything else I have to get done, the crocheting has taken a back seat.

Anyway! The plan for today is to mow the garden. Yes, you heard that right. Mow the garden. To be specific, mowing the area immediately around the garden to knock all the weeds down. The area inside the garden will still need to be hand weeded. I'm thinking about putting down black plastic to help control the weeds inside the garden. Thinking about it. But still not sure. I don't like the idea of plastic going into the garden. But I've got so many other things that need my attention, weeding is just something I don't want to have to deal with this year.

I miss having my two big mulch piles. But I haven't seen the electric company trimming any trees so haven't been able to ask them to dump their wood chips at my house. And the ladies at the office don't seem to know anything about it. The only other option is to buy mulch. But for one, I don't trust those bags because who knows what else they add to them. Plus, that's just more money.

Anyway, it's about time to go feed the livestock. Been going out earlier to try and beat the worst of the heat. Oh, and I guess I should feed myself too. Think I'll do that first.

Take care all and have a good day.

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