Over the past couple of days I've been weed eating along the electric fence line. It would have been one day but I got rained out about half way through and then it was raining off and on the past couple days.
Then sometime today, I guess I unplugged the electric fence and forgot to plug it back in. But I honestly can't remember why I would have unplugged it in the first place. Unless it's been unplugged since I started the weed eating.
But to get to the point, since the fence was unplugged one of the girl pigs busted out of their fenced area. Luckily she only busted into the chicken pen so she was still contained. She got into the bittie area and into the chicken coop. I was always told that pigs didn't like to step up or down things. The floor of the chicken coop is raised off the ground probably a foot and she still got into it so apparently American guinea hogs don't follow the pig rule book.
She didn't really hurt anything though so it's all good. Two of the piglets also got in with her but I don't think they really did anything that would have been noticeable. I think I'm going to have to get pig panels to help keep them in better. The welded wire fence is just no real barrier to our pigs. They're more afraid of the skinny little electric wire that bites.
But that's going to have to wait for a while anyway. I haven't heard anything more from the big box hardware store about the job I interviewed for. Guess I didn't get it. I have been applying at other places too so hopefully something will pan out.
Also, with hubby being on disability with his work, they screwed up and overpaid him. One for his disability and two for his vacation time. We didn't realize this was going to be a problem because they prorated the disability from the day he got hurt and it got deposited as one lump sum. It's just a big snaffoo. And it's their fault for not seeing that he'd used vacation time already. But now we're going to have to pay some of it back over the next couple months which is really going to screw us up. We're tight most weeks as it is and to have more money to come out of each paycheck is going to hurt. And it wasn't even our fault. Yet we're the ones paying for it. Literally.
I hate money. I really do. I just want to be able to work on my property and provide as much as I can for my family. But that's hard to do without the money to get things set up.
Ok, so this post has become a bit of a bummer. So instead I'm going to leave you with a video of a cute bunny doing something silly. Take care all and have a good night.
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