Saturday, August 11, 2018

Getting It Done And Blooming Cotton

Got a lot of the other side of the property mowed yesterday. Today will be a bit of cleanup. Weedeating what I couldn't do with the mower. And I don't mean weedeat with just a string line. I've got a brush blade on the weedeater that I use for this purpose.

I also took a short video of me driving through some of what I'd mowed. Trying to give an idea of how much was done. Not sure if I got that across though.

My cotton is also officially blooming. The flowers start out yellow and then turn pink when they are fertilized. Or that's what I've read. I didn't catch any just after they bloomed but the first one I've got here is half way through changing. The other is full pink. I should have actual cotton soon!

Ok, I think that's it for now. Take care all and have a good day.

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