Sunday, August 12, 2018

New Cotton Flower And Piglet Pen

I caught a newly bloomed cotton flower this morning. I love that beautiful yellow color. I'm going to try and remember to keep an eye on it and see how quickly it changes to that rose pink color from the flower yesterday. 

I don't know why I'm so excited about these plants. But there's just something about growing my own cotton that makes me really feel like a farmer. Even beyond the animals some how. Maybe it's connected to my southern roots.

Also love the flowers. They're so pretty. Before and after being fertilized. I'm going to save every seed and plant them next year. I'll have a whole crop going. Not just a couple of plants.

What I'm going to do with the cotton itself? Don't know yet. I was going to try to make thread/yarn out of it. That was the original plan. But not sure. I'd have to get a drop spindle since a big spinning wheel is too expensive.

In other news, we didn't get a whole lot done yesterday. We got out there kind of late and only got a couple of hours of mowing in before it started raining. Not sure if we're going to get anything done today either because there was a heavy fog this morning that lasted until almost 8:30. So the grass is still wet and get grass is harder to cut. And harder on the mower. Yes, it may seem like I'm really babying this mower. But that sucker is expensive. I want it to last a LONG time.

I can still do some weedeating and get some more of those small trees cut down. I also plan on building a small pen for the piglets. I definitely have to get them out of the rabbit pen. For one, they're making a mess as pigs will do. Also, my rabbits aren't breeding while they're in their cages. Yes, I could put the females in the male's cage and let them do it that way. But I've never had much luck that way. It's worked better for me to just let them do their thing naturally. And anyway, would you like to live your life in a cage? I want to give them space to run around.

Ok, I need to get going. Take care all and have a good day.

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