Sunday, August 12, 2018

Piglet Pen Started And Sheltering The Push Mower

I've kind of been dragging today so I didn't get any weedeating done. It's just been too hot and my energy seems to get drained away. My daughter did get some more mowing done but it's been threatening to rain all afternoon so she had to bring it back and park it.

But I did get the piglet pen started. First I took two 1x4s and cut them in half to make four 4 ft long boards. Then I screwed two 8 ft long boards into the 4 ft long boards like in the picture below.

Then I set those upright and screwed in two more boards on each side like in the picture below. Making a large box. I also pounded in some u-posts to screw the vertical boards to. These are 7 ft long u-posts but normally I use 6 ft. That way 2 ft goes into the ground and 4 ft is the right size for my vertical boards. But the store didn't have the 6 ft posts so I had to get the 7 ft.

This would be enough to keep in the piglets because they can't jump over that. Pigs aren't big on jumping. But it is still low enough that the adults could probably get over it so I need a round or two more of boards to finish it off. Then I need to build a roof.

I also plan on building more 'stalls' next to this in the following months. Eventually I'll have a sort of open barn structure.

Normally we put the push mower and weedeater under the front porch. But with the big mower being parked next to our front porch, it's hard to get the other two in there. So instead I have been parking them under the solar panels. Not the most perfect place. But it still works.

And that's been it for today. Doesn't look like a whole lot but it's definitely a step in the right direction.

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