Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Piglet Pen Progress, Bantam Eggs And The Mowing Never Ends

Well, not completely nothing. Been slowly working on the piglet pen. I say slowly because I was trying to work with the supplies I had. 

Particularly screws. The screws I have work for if I have the boards laying flat against each other. But there are some that I have to butt the ends of some of the boards against the flat side of another board. These aren't screws aren't long enough to reach far enough into the end side of those boards.

So I tried some long skinny screws but they have a square head bit and that's a pain in the butt to try to screw in because it keeps slipping and won't turn the screw enough to get it into the wood. I've used the longer screws for the plastic holders for the electric wire. But I had to predrill those holes to get them to work. I can't do that with this project because of where the boards sit.

So I need to get some better screws with a better bit. I tried some deck screws with a star bit that I had left over from another project and those worked very nicely. We need to go into town tomorrow any so I'll get them then.

In other news, our bitties are starting to lay. For anybody that doesn't know, our bitties are what I call our bantam chickens. We have silkies, polish and old english game bantams. I got the silkies to hatch quail eggs some day since silkies are supposed to be excellent broodies. The polish I got just because I love the funny rock star hairdos. 

The old english I got because last year something got my daughter's favorite duck and I got this adorable little rooster and hen to make her feel better. That was also when we got the muscovy ducks. But the little hen got sick after a week or two and we tried to keep her warm and fed but she didn't make it. So when I ordered the rest of our chicks, I added a couple more old english to the mix. 

I used to swear that I would never get bantams because they're too small to actually be useful for much. But now.. The silkies are for a purpose, the polish are just funny looking, and the OEG bantams are just adorable. I know. I'm such a sucker.

But I guess now I need to build them some kind of nest box. This is actually the second egg they've laid. The first was so covered in mud from all the rain that I didn't bother taking a picture.

Speaking of rain, there hasn't been anymore mowing the past couple of days. But the area around the garden needs to be mowed again already. Have to do that with the push mower though because it's too tight to get the big mower around there.

Anyway, it's almost bedtime. Take care all and have a good night.

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