Tuesday, February 20, 2018

A Day of Rest

I took today off. Even though there was still stuff to be done, I knew that I needed a break. I caught up on some youtube videos. I watched some movies. I did go into town and got some hay, chicken scratch and sheep food. But that was it. Other than my regular chores of feeding the animals, of course.

I'm also starting some more pockets to store my yarn in. I've got too much yarn laying around and cluttering up my computer area. Maybe one of these posts I'll show you some of the stuff I've crocheted. After all, I can't have homestead updates every day. And I'd like to post every day.

I'd also like to post some black and white pictures on days that I don't have anything else to post. I did a thirty day challenge thing on instagram of black and white pictures with no explanation on them and no people in them. I really enjoyed that a lot more than I realized I would and I'd like to continue that once in a while.

This is a huge rooster that has recently become more 'mature'. I think he's a jersey giant and I think he's from some random selection chicks I got from a hatchery last year. Not sure what I'm going to do with him though because I don't have any jersey giant hens. I did order some chicks this year but none of them were jersey giants. I might just let him be the king of my mixed flock.

I have two other roosters and that's three too many for the amount of hens I have. One of the other roosters I hatched out and he's always been a nice rooster so I'll probably keep him. But the third rooster is smaller than the other two and doesn't fit my desire for meatier birds. So I might give him away or I might just eat him. Won't have much meat on him but he'll still taste good.

Tomorrow I'll probably string the electric wire for the boy sheeps' area. I still also need to make proper doors for the girls and boys areas. Right now I'm just hooking the wire onto the u-posts but that's not the most secure thing in the world. I'll feel much better when I've got proper doors. The boys seem to be enjoying their area though and Kyle keeps standing all manly like when the girls come over to the fence. He's so cute.

Anyway, take care peoples and I'll see you in tomorrow's post. Take care.

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