Monday, February 19, 2018

I'm Done!... Almost

Got the girls half of the shelter done today and the rest of the electric wire fencing restrung where I want it to go. The only thing left is to get the boys in their area, get the feed trough moved and the electric wire strung up for them. I let the welded wire fence loose that's just to the left. That way the girls were able to walk through at their own leisure. After that, I closed it back up.

I don't think the girls quite understand what's going on. This is the third time they've been moved since they got here. This will be the last time for a while though since fencing is expensive and it's going to take me a long while to get anymore welded wire. I've already spent way more than I wanted to get this done.

Finally, a picture of Boris with Pippy and Annie. He's the smaller one in the back. He is smaller than the girls but that will change pretty quickly. He'll soon be bigger than them. In this picture, I swear he's sticking his tongue out at me. He was probably just licking his mouth. But his expression says he's just being a stinker.

Time to go move the boy sheeps. Wish us luck.

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