Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Electric Fence In The Boys Area

Almost have the fencing done for the boys area. Still need to get a couple more of the plastic wire holder thingies. But's it's connected and Kyle got a bit of a zap when I plugged it in. I would have tried to warn him but he wouldn't have listened to me anyway. Even if he could understand me.

Spent most of the morning doing that. Now I'm watching some netflix and trying to decided what I want to do for lunch. Later I'm probably going to go get more wire holders and finish that. Then tomorrow I'll get some 2x4s and make the doors. Then I'll be done! It's coming along slowly but it's coming along.

My chicks should be shipped today. Although I got an email last night that they were shipped but with today's date. Whatever. They could be here as soon as tomorrow. I'm almost prepared for them. I just need to get a couple plastic storage containers to raise them in until they get enough feathers to go outside. I also still need to do some changes to the chicken tractor. But I've got at least a couple weeks before they'll need that.

Maybe a salad with some home grown chicken mixed in and honey mustard dressing. Hmm, should have boiled some eggs to go in it too. Maybe I'll still do that and then have the salad for dinner. Or maybe I'll just watch netflix and wait for hubby to come home and see what he wants to do. Need to go into town anyway to get those plastic hangers.

Whatever! Laters! Take care.

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