Saturday, March 24, 2018

Weedeating And Our Property

Today I did a bit of weedeating around the outside of the electric fencing. I only got one pass all the way around though so you can't really tell in this picture. Over the next couple of weeks, I hope to get a lot of this knocked down so I can expand the pig and sheep areas some more. This year I'd like to get most of the property fenced in, even if it's just mostly electric wire.

I also went for a little bit of a walkabout on the other side of our property. There's a runoff from our neighbor's pond that cuts our property in half almost diagonal. In this picture is the half with our house, the chicken pen and garden toward the trees and the pig and sheep areas more in the fore front.

I also saw some deer on our neighbor's property and took some video. But I only had my phone and it doesn't take the best video from a distance. You can see the deer but they're pretty much just silhouettes.

I also finally started my sage and borage in paper towels in baggies. Didn't take a picture of those because, honestly, it's just seeds in a wet paper towel and laid in a baggie.

After I got done with all of that, we went into town to get more weedeater fuel and an early dinner. A good thing I guess since as we were leaving the house, it started raining. And tonight it's supposed to snow again! For fuck's sake mother nature! It's almost April! Excuse me. I just had to let that out.

Ok, I'm going to go play some World of Warcraft and imitate a vegetable. Take care all and have a good night.

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