Friday, September 21, 2018

Mowing The Garden And The Other Side Of Our Property

I actually got some stuff done on the garden today. Not as much as I would have liked but progress nonetheless. I was mostly able to mow between the beds. But things from the beds were hanging over the paths so much that I had to start on a couple of them also.

This is a picture of the front of the garden. If you look back on my video earlier you will see the difference.

First I cleared some of the stuff that was hanging over the into the paths. Then I started on these two beds in the back because they were less overgrown.

I did get a little bit of mulch spread in front of the garden. Only two loads but it's a start. The handle of my garden cart comes off with two rods and cotter pins so that I can securely attach it to the back of our big mower. It made the job of moving the mulch so much easier.

While I did more work on the garden, my daughter drove over to the other side of our property and remowed what we had done before. All of the rain had started to make it grow up again. I don't know how much longer her fascination with using the big mower will last. But I'll take what help I can get. She also does a very good job.

At one point she ran out of gas and I had to bring her the gas can. I don't know what the sheep thought I had but they kept following me back and forth across the runoff. You would think they never get fed.

Anyway, it's way past my bedtime and I need to get some sleep. Take care of all and have a good night.

Getting Things Accomplished.. Or Not.

So yesterday I didn't get done with quite as much as I had wanted. I did switch the bunny to a cleaner cage. So that was the most important thing. Today I cleaned her old cage out. So that's done too. Still not sure what to do about the sheep's fencing. I've got a lot of extra on the pig's fence. So I guess I could cut it off and attach it to the sheep's fence. But I really don't want to cut up the wire until I have all of the permanent fencing done and I know exactly how much electric wire I'm going to need. But I may end up not having a choice.

I did get some u-posts yesterday to start the new sheep shelter. I really want to get that done before the sheep start having lambs. I actually recorded some video this morning of the area that I'm going to put it. These clips are only a minute long each because I also put these on my instagram and that only takes one minute videos.

But today's plan is to try to start reclaiming the garden.... Again. I was going to use the big mower to pull my garden cart to get some of the mulch into the garden. But the husband just said that another tire looks like it's flat. So I'm going to call the garden center and see if they can fix it. I mean, we've only had it for a couple of months now. It's very much still under warranty. I'm just not sure if the warranty covers flat tires.

Anyway, I did a video clip about the garden too.

Ok, gotta get going to pick up the oldest. Then back to mowing the garden to prepare for the mulch. Take care all and have a good day.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

After The Storm And What I've Been Doing

So let's start this off with a pretty picture. These are bananas that I forgot to take out to the pigs. But the butterflies are enjoying them so that's cool too.

It's been too long between posts again. Part of it is because we had a hurricane/tropical storm come through our area. Everybody is ok here but we got lots of rain and things are soggy.

I finally got the pig's new pasture fenced in. I haven't let them out into it yet because I need to weed eat around it and do a couple other minor things. Hopefully I'll get to that today.

I also need to fill up the sheep's mineral feeder. The feed I'm giving them doesn't have all of the minerals they need so they need the supplementation.

I need to clean out one of the rabbit cages. I had it sitting on the ground and the poop and spilled food has piled up which makes it unsanitary for my newest bunny. I didn't intend for her to be in there like that for that long. But as usual life and mother nature got in the way. But I've switched that bunny to another cage that is up on blocks so she's not sitting in nasty stuff. Now I can clean that cage out and put the little bunnies in there. They're big enough to be away from mom and have their own space. I also need to sex them and see what we've got. I do plan on getting a new zealand male in the spring for my breeding. But if one of these is a male, I can keep him for backup and genetic diversity.

I also need to figure out what to do with the sheep fence. I've got a spot that only has two strands of wire and isn't long enough to make 4 strands. Not sure how that happened but I need to get it fixed before the sheep realize what's going on. Kyle, my ram, has figured out that he can push through the fence when it's not on. Which is not good. For one, he could get loose and get hurt. For another, he's busting the little clips on the plastic posts that hold up the electric wire. Which means I need to spend more money to buy more posts. I really hate these plastic posts. But until I get things fenced in with better fencing, this is what I've got.

I plan on getting some u-posts today to start building a better sheep shelter. Kind of like the piglet pen/shelter. Each pen will become a stall and will almost be like a pole barn sort of thing.

So what have I been doing while I waited out mother nature's daughter storm? Mostly crocheting and watching youtube or movies/tv shows on netflix/amazon prime. Trying to crochet some things to finally put on my etsy store. Also been doing some more transcription stuff. Not as much as I was trying to do before. But enough for some yarn money. I crochet while I'm waiting for transcription things which helps pay for the yarn I use to make the things for my etsy store. Multitasking. Crocheting also helps me not to lose my mind doing the transcription stuff.

Anyway, I better get going so I can get to the hardware store and get my u-posts before I have to pick up our oldest from work. Take care all and have a good day.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Defining Pastures And Morning Glories

And another too long gap between posts. I'd like to post every day. But progress on most things is just so slow that I don't have anything to post about every day. One reason I don't do youtube anymore. But here's what I've been doing the past couple of days. In video format.

We've been at our property for 3 1/2 years now and I've been thinking and thinking on how I'm going to have what pastures set up. This will be a perfect area for the pigs because it stays semi wet for a good portion of the year so they'll have lots of mud to roll in. It's also an area that I don't really mind them tearing up.

Not sure how long it's going to take me to get the pig pasture completely done. I want to fence it all in with welded wire fencing and u-posts and then wood on the top and bottom to hold the wire up nice and sturdy. The wood will also give me a place to put the plastic wire holders like I have in the current pig area. Then when I don't want the pigs to breed, I'll keep my boar in the smaller fenced area.

But it's going to take me a while to be able to buy all of the wood, u-posts and wire that I'm going to need. So for now I'm just going to move the electric wire and then go from there.

I haven't been doing the transcription the past couple of days either because I've been doing the stuff out in the yard. Tomorrow I'm going to have to force myself to get some transcription done. It's not much money, but it's something that will forward my projects. I have to keep remembering that. It's not the transcription itself that I don't like. It's having to spend hours online just to get those couple of good transcriptions that will give me enough money to make it worth it.

Anyway, on a better note. These is the arbor/gateway that I built last year. Our wisteria has been growing up it nicely all year. It didn't flower this year because it's so young still. Maybe next year. But the morning glories are making up for it. In the morning (hence, morning glory) these guys are all over the arbor. By noon, they have faded and it's just the green again. But it's so nice to see that splash of color in the morning.

And I nice up close picture of what they look like.

Anyway, almost bed time. Take care all and have a good night.