Got the electric wire done for the boy sheeps area. Also got latches done on both gates. Love these a lot more than using a chain or something. Just lift the bar, walk through, lower the bar. Can be done with one hand. Which is good when my other hand is busy with something like hay or feed. Simple but effective.
Next, I put some rabbit manure around my fruit trees. Several of them are starting to bud out. Not sure if that's the proper term for it. But it's what I call it when the flowers or leaves emerge from their little dormant buds. I didn't think to get a picture of them. Maybe tomorrow.
After that, it started raining too much for me to do anything much more outside. So I went inside and worked out which seeds I was going to plant when. I'd sorted through them earlier and decided WHAT I wanted to plant. Next I needed to know WHEN to plant. Hopefully I'll get it done this week. But I need to start getting things started. It's still getting in the 30's and such at night. So can't put anything out yet. But I can get stuff started indoors and set them outside during the day.
The first ones I'll be planting are some herbs. These are ones that I'm going to start indoors and then plant out. Possibly into my hanging baskets. Depends on how much room I have left after these next ones.
These will be direct sown into my hanging baskets.
These are going to get pretty big so I'll be starting them indoors and then planting them out into the garden.
A couple of nice flowers to go into the hanging baskets too, for some color. Think I'll pick up a packet of nasturtiums too. The pansies, you can eat the flowers. The marigolds you can make tea with. And the nasturtiums, you can eat the flowers and leaves.
These are some moringa seeds that I bought a couple of years ago. I have a couple of moringa plants that I've been nursing through the winter in small containers indoors. But I'd like to grow a lot more this year and then dry the leaves for powder. Not sure if I'll be able to get many of these to sprout since they're older seeds. But if I can get them to a decent size, that'll be great. If I can get them to go to seed so I can have fresh seeds for next year, that will be awesome.
These are some kale seeds that I saved from my plants from the last couple years. Most just from one year from a couple plants. One is definitely red russian kale because I labeled it. The other I'm not sure since I forgot to label it. It could be red russian kale or curly kale. Only one way to find out.
The next groups will all be started about the same time since they're all warmer season plants. Here we have a couple of types of squash and zucchini, a cantalope type melon and a peanut pumpkin that is really weird looking on the outside but supposed to have a nice flesh for making pumpkin pies.
These are some other types of leafy greens I'll be growing. A couple types of malabar spinach, some red romaine seeds that I saved myself but I'm not sure if I did it right, and some actual red romaine seeds in case mine don't sprout.
These are long strand cotton seeds. Most cotton that you get is from a short strand. Meaning if you pull the boles apart for each type, these would have a longer strand then your average cotton. Ever head of egyptian cotton? That's what these are like. The longer strand makes them softer. Normally if you buy cotton seeds to grow, they're just the regular short strand. I had to order these from a conservancy kind of place. They're also resistant to bole weavels. But I did get these a couple of years ago so hopefully these seeds are still viable. Like the moringas, if I can get some fresh seeds from them, I'll be ecstatic.

Here are my tomatoes and peppers. But this won't be quite all of them. I need to get another packet of homestead tomatoes because that packet is empty and I was so busy trying to keep up with them last year that I never stopped to save any seeds. Then again, I still have a pantry full of canned tomatoes. So I think I might skip those this year. But I'll still grow the cherokee purple (a good slicing tomato) and the romas which normally are used for sauces by my family likes to use them for snacking. Then there's the bell peppers and I need to get a packet of banana peppers.
Last but not least are my lemon cucumbers, kohlrabi, eggplant and rattlesnake green beans. I've done well with all but the eggplants. Don't think I've grown them yet. But I love growing the rattlesnake green beans. They produce like crazy and they have purple stripes on the pods and the beans themselves. But when you cook them, the purple disappears. And they taste great.
But I think that's it for my garden for this year. I may end up adding some things later if something catches my fancy. We shall see.
And I did almost all the dishes today. Yay!
Anyway, it's late. I need to get some sleep before taking the oldest to work. Later peoples and take care.